The Impact of Coaching Institutes on Education in India

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The coaching industry in India is valued at ₹1.64 lakh crore, with coaching institutes worth ₹3,800 crore. These institutes are expected to grow by an average of 7% annually. Suresh Mishra, a student who attended a coaching institute in Kota, shares his personal story of the immense stress he faced, resulting in partial memory loss and occasional hallucinations. This raises concerns about the impact of coaching institutes on students’ mental health. A survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Office revealed that 70% of students in Japan, 83% in Malaysia, and 87.8% in South Korea attend coaching institutes. The popularity of coaching institutes in India is comparable to that of developed countries. Additionally, research by the Accountability Initiative found that 40,000 out of 10 lakh students who qualified for the IITs in India had a 16% chance of securing a seat. Similarly, the success rate for medical students seeking admission to MBBS programs is only 6.5-7%. This highlights the high level of competition and the pressure on students to join coaching institutes.

The Demand for Coaching Institutes

Coaching institutes have become prevalent in India, with the coaching industry valued at ₹1.64 lakh crore. These institutes are also popular in both developing and developed countries. For example, a survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Office found that 70% of students in Japan, 83% in Malaysia, and 87.8% in South Korea attend coaching institutes. The high percentage of students attending coaching institutes in these countries highlights the demand for additional educational support outside of traditional schooling.

So why do parents opt for coaching institutes for their children? One reason is the high level of competition in India. For instance, out of 10 lakh students who qualified for the IITs, only 40,000 had a 16% chance of securing a seat. Similarly, the success rate for medical students seeking admission to MBBS programs is only 6.5-7%. Due to this intense competition, parents feel that coaching institutes can provide their children with an edge.

Moreover, coaching institutes offer specialized training and guidance to help students prepare for entrance exams. Many parents believe that the education system in regular schools is not sufficient to prepare their children for these exams. Coaching institutes provide experienced teachers and crash courses that focus specifically on exam preparation, giving students the opportunity to better understand the exam format and improve their performance.

Additionally, the increasing popularity of coaching institutes can be attributed to the pressure from parents. Parents often believe that enrolling their children in coaching institutes will increase their chances of cracking competitive exams and securing admission to prestigious institutions. The fees for coaching institutes can be high, ranging from one lakh to 2.5 lakh, but parents see it as an investment in their children’s future.

The Impact on Entrance Exams

Entrance exams like IIT-JEE and NEET are known for their high competition in India. These exams attract a large number of students who apply and qualify, creating a significant demand for limited seats in top colleges.

For example, out of 10 lakh students who qualified for the IITs, only 40,000 had a 16% chance of securing a seat. Similarly, the success rate for medical students seeking admission to MBBS programs is only 6.5-7%. This low success rate highlights the probability of getting selected and the challenges students face in securing a seat.

The high level of competition and limited seats available create a need for additional preparation and guidance, leading many students to join coaching institutes. These institutes offer specialized training and guidance to help students prepare for entrance exams, providing them with an edge in the competitive selection process.

Coaching institutes play a crucial role in helping students understand the exam format, improve their performance, and increase their chances of success. They provide experienced teachers, crash courses, and study materials focused specifically on exam preparation.

However, the popularity of coaching institutes also adds to the pressure on students. With the low success rates and the intense competition, parents often see enrolling their children in coaching institutes as an investment in their future. The high fees associated with coaching institutes, ranging from one lakh to 2.5 lakh, further emphasize the importance parents place on these institutions.

The Influence on Education System

The coaching industry in India has had a significant impact on the education system. One of the main reasons for this is the insufficiency of school teachers to adequately prepare students for exams. Many parents feel that the education system in regular schools does not provide sufficient guidance and support for exam preparation. As a result, students often have to attend dummy classes and coaching institutes to supplement their learning.

This trend of students attending dummy classes and coaching institutes for exam preparation is widespread in India. The success rate of coaching institutes is a testament to their effectiveness. On average, coaching institutes admit around 1.5 lakh students annually. This shows that these institutes play a crucial role in helping students improve their performance and increase their chances of success in entrance exams.

However, the high fees charged by coaching institutes can be a burden on parents. The fees for coaching institutes range from one lakh to 2.5 lakh, which can be a significant financial strain. Many parents see this as an investment in their children’s future, but it can still create financial difficulties for some families.

In conclusion, the influence of coaching institutes on the education system in India is significant. While coaching institutes provide valuable support and guidance for exam preparation, the high fees and financial burden on parents are important considerations. It is essential for the education system to address the insufficiency of school teachers and provide more comprehensive exam preparation to alleviate the need for coaching institutes.


The Dark Side of Coaching Institutes

While coaching institutes in India have become increasingly popular for providing additional educational support and guidance, there is a dark side to this industry that cannot be ignored.

The case of Yogesh Jori

One tragic example is the case of Yogesh Jori, a student who committed suicide due to the stress and pressure he faced while attending a coaching institute. This heartbreaking incident highlights the immense toll that coaching institutes can have on a student’s mental health.

Police investigation and reported suicides

The police have launched investigations into coaching centers and have reported a significant number of suicides linked to the pressure and stress experienced by students. Between January 2019 and December 2022, there have been 52 reported suicides among students attending coaching institutes. These alarming numbers raise serious concerns about the impact of coaching institutes on student well-being.

Reasons behind student suicides and the role of coaching institutes

The reasons behind student suicides are complex and multifaceted. However, coaching institutes often play a role in exacerbating the stress and pressure experienced by students. The intense competition, high expectations, and relentless focus on results create an environment that can be overwhelming for vulnerable students.

Unethical practices of coaching institutes

Coaching institutes have been known to engage in unethical practices such as manipulating results and offering discounts to attract students. These practices not only compromise the integrity of the education system but also contribute to the intense competition and pressure faced by students.

It is crucial to address the dark side of coaching institutes and take steps to prioritize the mental health and well-being of students. Efforts should be made to create a more balanced and supportive educational environment that focuses on holistic development rather than just academic achievement.

The Business Model of Coaching Institutes

The role of teachers and their salaries in coaching institutes

In coaching institutes, teachers play a crucial role in providing guidance and support to students. They are responsible for teaching the curriculum, preparing students for exams, and helping them improve their performance. The salaries of teachers in coaching institutes can vary depending on their experience and qualifications. Some top teachers in renowned institutes can earn salaries as high as 1.65 crore rupees per year. However, not all teachers in coaching institutes receive such high salaries, and many earn significantly less.

The case of Sorab Kumar and his coaching institute crash course

An example of the business model of coaching institutes is the case of Sorab Kumar, a student from Jharkhand who started his coaching institute crash course. Sorab’s crash course targeted students from different coaching institutes and offered them additional support and resources. He offered gifts, rewards, and discounts to attract students to his crash course, with the intention of improving their performance and increasing their chances of success.

The recruitment of top rankers and the black game played by coaching institutes

Coaching institutes often recruit top-rankers from prestigious institutes to teach in their classes. This is done to attract more students and enhance the reputation of the coaching institute. However, there have been instances of unethical practices, such as manipulating results and offering discounts, to attract more students. These practices compromise the integrity of the education system and contribute to the intense competition and pressure faced by students.

The poaching of teachers and educators by online platforms like Unacademy

Online platforms like Unacademy have entered the coaching industry and started poaching teachers and educators from coaching institutes. They offer higher salaries and additional benefits to attract teachers to their platforms. This has created a competitive environment where coaching institutes are losing their experienced teachers to online platforms. The poaching of teachers by online platforms has disrupted the business model of coaching institutes.



Are coaching institutes necessary for success?

Coaching institutes can provide additional support and guidance for exam preparation, giving students an edge in competitive exams. While they are not necessary for success, they can help improve performance and increase chances of success.


How do coaching institutes impact the mental health of students?

Coaching institutes can contribute to stress and pressure on students, leading to negative effects on mental health. The intense competition, high expectations, and focus on results can create an overwhelming environment for vulnerable students.


What are the alternatives to coaching institutes?

Alternatives to coaching institutes include self-study, online education platforms, group study, and seeking guidance from school teachers. These alternatives can provide effective exam preparation without the additional pressure and financial burden of coaching institutes.

How can the coaching industry be regulated?

The coaching industry can be regulated through stricter guidelines and standards set by educational authorities. This can include monitoring the quality of teaching, ensuring ethical practices, and establishing mechanisms for student feedback and grievances.

What steps can parents and students take to reduce the negative effects of coaching institutes?

Parents and students can take several steps to reduce the negative effects of coaching institutes. These include maintaining a balanced schedule, prioritizing mental health and self-care, seeking support from family and friends, and fostering a healthy mindset towards exams and competition.


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