Investment Principles: Understanding Assets and Liabilities

Investment Principles

Table of Contents Introduction Difference Between Assets and Liabilities Investment Options Fixed Deposits Investing in Companies Conclusion FAQ Introduction Understanding assets and liabilities is crucial when it comes to investing. In this video series, we will explore the principles of investing and how they can help you make informed decisions. The series is divided into … Read more

Decoding IPOs: Everything You Need to Know

Decoding IPO

Table of Contents Introduction Different Ways to Raise Capital Factors Influencing IPO Valuation Understanding the IPO Process Benefits of Investing in IPOs FAQ Introduction Are you a retail investor curious about IPOs and their significance? Do you want to understand the importance of funding rounds, venture capital, and valuations? Look no further! In this video, … Read more

Understanding Credit Card Charges and Limit Utilization

credit card

Table of Contents Introduction Understanding Credit Limit and Utilization Ratio Managing Credit Card Payments Optimizing Interest-Free Period Avoiding Cash Withdrawal and Finance Charges Additional Charges and Annual Fees FAQs Introduction Credit card usage comes with its fair share of challenges. From hidden charges to credit scores, there are various factors that users need to be … Read more

The Impact of UPI on International Transactions and India’s Economy


Table of Contents Introduction Using UPI for International Transactions Linking Foreign Earnings to Indian Bank Accounts International Number and UPI Apps Currency Conversion and Charges Promoting UPI in Other Countries Conclusion FAQ Introduction UPI, or Unified Payments Interface, is a digital payment system that has had a significant impact on international transactions in India. It … Read more

Understanding Tax Harvesting: A Comprehensive Guide

Tax Harvesting

Table of Contents Introduction Tax Harvesting: Definition and Strategy Loss Harvesting: Minimizing Tax Liability Profit Harvesting: Maximizing Tax Efficiency Comparison: Short Term vs. Long Term Capital Gains FAQs Introduction Tax harvesting is a strategy that involves selling a portion of your mutual fund units to book long-term capital gains and then reinvesting the proceeds in … Read more

The Power of Compounding: Understanding the Impact on Your Investments

Power of Compounding

Table of Contents Introduction What is Compounding? Real-Life Examples of Compounding Basic Examples of Compound Interest Advanced Mutual Fund Examples FAQ Introduction Understanding the power of compounding is crucial for anyone looking to make investments. Unfortunately, finance and investing education can be confusing and overwhelming, leaving many people unsure of where to start. In this … Read more

The Benefits and Risks of Lump Sum Investing

Lump Sum

Table of Contents Introduction Benefits of Lump Sum Investing Risks of Lump Sum Investing FAQ Introduction Lump sum investing is a method of investing where a large amount of money is invested at once, rather than in smaller increments over time. It can be done through bonuses, sales, or other lump sum amounts received. This … Read more

Investing in Digital Gold, Gold ETFs, and Gold Mutual Funds

Digital Gold

Table of Contents Introduction Digital Gold Gold ETFs Gold Mutual Funds FAQ Introduction Investing in gold is an attractive option for individuals looking to diversify their investment portfolio and hedge against economic uncertainties. There are several ways to invest in gold, each with its own advantages and considerations.   Overview of the Different Ways to … Read more