5 Points to Consider Before Buying Property

Table of Contents

Talk to your neighbors before you buy

When it comes to buying property, it’s important to gather as much information as possible before making a decision. While your agent can provide you with some details, it’s always a good idea to talk to your neighbors as well. They can offer valuable insights and firsthand experiences that can help you make an informed choice.


Do online research to gather information

In addition to talking to your neighbors, do some online research to gather more information about the property. Look for any news articles, reviews, or forums where people discuss the area or the developer. This can give you a better understanding of any potential issues or concerns.


Check government clearances, NOCs, sale dates, and approved plans

Before finalizing your purchase, it’s crucial to check all the necessary government clearances, No Objection Certificates (NOCs), sale dates, and approved plans for the property. This will ensure that everything is legal and in order.


Verify the developer’s credentials and reputation

Take the time to verify the credentials and reputation of the developer. Look for any past projects they have completed and check if there have been any complaints or legal issues against them. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you are dealing with a reputable developer.

Consider feedback from other residents

Lastly, consider the feedback from other residents in the area. Talk to them about their experiences living in the community and any concerns they may have. Their input can give you a better understanding of what it’s like to live in the neighborhood.

By talking to your neighbors, doing online research, checking government clearances, verifying the developer’s credentials, and considering feedback from other residents, you can make a more informed decision when buying property. Remember, it’s important to gather as much information as possible to ensure a smooth and satisfactory purchase.

Importance of OC certificate

When buying a property, it is essential to understand the significance of the Occupancy Certificate (OC). This certificate is issued by local authorities and government agencies to certify that the construction of the property is complete and meets all the necessary regulations and laws.

Before finalizing your purchase, it is crucial to ensure that the developer has obtained the OC certificate. This certificate is obtained by the developer within 30 days of completing the construction. It is a legal requirement and ensures that the property is safe for occupancy.

Verifying the authenticity and validity of the OC certificate is of utmost importance. Illegal constructions can lead to future problems and legal issues. Therefore, it is essential to double-check the certificate to ensure that it is genuine and valid.

Obtaining the OC certificate is not only a legal obligation but also provides peace of mind to the buyer. It guarantees that the property has been constructed according to the approved plans and regulations, ensuring the safety and well-being of the occupants.

By ensuring that the developer has obtained the OC certificate, you can be confident that the property is legally compliant and safe to occupy. Ignoring the importance of the OC certificate can lead to potential risks and complications in the future. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize this aspect when buying a property.

Consider the rental yield of the area

When it comes to buying property, it’s important to not only consider its purchase price but also its potential for rental income. Here are a few points to keep in mind:

Research the rental yield of the area

Before making a decision, it’s crucial to research the rental yield of the area. This refers to the percentage of income you can expect to receive from renting out the property. Higher rental yields indicate better investment potential.


Consult brokers or agents for approximate rental values

Brokers or agents who specialize in the area can provide you with approximate rental values for similar properties. This can give you an idea of the potential rental income you can expect.


Consider future rental income potential

Take into account the future rental income potential of the property. Factors such as upcoming developments or improvements in the area can increase the demand for rental properties and potentially boost rental prices.


Ensure the property has good rental demand

Make sure that the property is located in an area with high rental demand. This can be determined by factors such as proximity to employment hubs, schools, transportation, and amenities.


Factor in rental expenses and maintenance costs

Remember to factor in rental expenses and maintenance costs when calculating the potential rental yield. These can include property management fees, repairs, vacancies, and any ongoing maintenance or improvement costs.

By considering the rental yield of the area, consulting brokers or agents, assessing future rental income potential, ensuring good rental demand, and factoring in rental expenses and maintenance costs, you can make a more informed decision when buying property. This will help you maximize your investment and ensure a profitable rental income.

Beware of trap games by agents

When it comes to buying property, it’s important to be aware of agents who may try to manipulate you with trap games. These trap games are designed to pressure you into making a quick decision without thoroughly considering all the factors involved.

One common trap game is the fear of loss strategy. Agents may try to create a sense of urgency by telling you that the property is in high demand and that you need to act quickly before it’s too late. They may even say that someone else is interested in the property, trying to make you feel like you’ll miss out if you don’t buy it immediately.

To avoid falling into this trap, it’s important to take your time and make an informed decision. Don’t succumb to pressure and rush into buying. Instead, consider the following steps:

Verify the property with multiple visits

Don’t rely solely on the agent’s description of the property. Take the time to visit it multiple times and thoroughly inspect it. Look for any potential issues or concerns that may not be apparent during a quick visit. This will help you make a more informed decision.


Be cautious of the fear of loss strategy

If an agent is using the fear of loss strategy, be cautious and question their motives. Take a step back and evaluate whether the property is truly the right fit for you, regardless of the sense of urgency they’re trying to create.


Verify the property with multiple visits

Before making a decision, it’s important to verify the property’s details and information. Check the government clearances, No Objection Certificates (NOCs), sale dates, and approved plans. This will ensure that everything is legal and in order.


Take your time and make an informed decision

Don’t let the agent rush you into making a decision. Take your time to thoroughly evaluate the property, consider your needs and preferences, and make a decision that you feel confident about. Remember, buying property is a significant investment, and it’s important to make the right choice.

By being cautious of trap games, verifying the property with multiple visits, taking your time, and making an informed decision, you can avoid falling into the pressure tactics of agents and ensure that you make the best choice for yourself.



In summary, when it comes to buying property, it is crucial to gather as much information as possible before making a decision. Talking to your neighbors can provide valuable insights and firsthand experiences. Additionally, conducting online research can help you understand any potential issues or concerns related to the property.

Checking government clearances, NOCs, sale dates, and approved plans is essential to ensure that everything is legal and in order. Verifying the developer’s credentials and reputation is also important to ensure that you are dealing with a reputable developer.

Considering feedback from other residents in the area can give you a better understanding of what it is like to live in the neighborhood. Taking these steps will help you make a more informed decision and avoid potential risks and complications in the future.

Thorough research is key when buying property. It is important to gather as much information as possible to ensure a smooth and satisfactory purchase. By considering all the factors discussed, you can make a decision that you feel confident about.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. For more information on buying property, we encourage you to watch related videos that provide further insights and guidance.


Here are some frequently asked questions about buying property:

What should I do if my neighbors have negative feedback about the property?

If your neighbors have negative feedback about the property, it’s important to consider their concerns and investigate further. Talk to other residents in the area, do online research, and consult with your agent to gather more information before making a decision.


How can I verify the authenticity of the OC certificate?

To verify the authenticity of the OC certificate, you can check with the local authorities and government agencies that issue these certificates. They can provide information about the validity and status of the certificate for the property you are interested in.


What factors should I consider while calculating rental yield?

When calculating rental yield, you should consider factors such as the rental demand in the area, the rental rates of similar properties, any potential future developments that could affect rental prices, and the expenses and maintenance costs associated with renting out the property.


What are some red flags to watch out for in an agent’s behavior?

Some red flags to watch out for in an agent’s behavior include pressuring you to make a quick decision, using fear tactics to create a sense of urgency, withholding information or being vague about important details, and not being transparent or honest in their communication.


Is it necessary to consult a lawyer before buying a property?

While it is not always necessary to consult a lawyer before buying property, it can be beneficial, especially if you are unfamiliar with the legal processes and regulations involved. A lawyer can provide guidance, review contracts, and ensure that your interests are protected throughout the buying process.


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